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A member registered Jul 25, 2018 · View creator page →

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I done played myself, that's wot i did.

I love this! The UI is especially really nice. 

I killed a lot of innocents. Maybe I'm the galactic super criminal?

This game wasn't for you. That's okay. Have a good one!

Seeing so many people connecting with our game is really stunning and wild, and I've been reading every little comment here and on each youtube thread. This story reflects a lot of thoughts that I have struggled with and will probably continue to for a long time.

I've spent a long time being dissatisfied with a lot of media. In retaliation, I turned in towards myself and created my own things that spoke to me. I also convinced myself that no one else wanted to hear it.

I think almost 2000 people have played Blind Date, and judging from some of the youtube view counts..... a whackin' ton of people have seen it. Thank you so much for all of your kind words, and not so kind words, and everything in between.

- Mentalpop

Hey Killjoy!
Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm so happy you appreciate the detail in the art! Detail's my middle name. 

As for save states, I encourage you to play it a second time with a wildly different approach than when you first went in and see what you end up with! Head out on multiple blind dates to truly find yourself. ;) -mentalpop

Thank you very much!

It is, must have made a mistake labeling it!

Thank you for playing, Hayden, we really enjoyed watching your video!