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A member registered Jan 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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I like the concept. I think the survival plus the standard campaign concept is really nice to have. I like how the levels are made. They look really nice and feel really good to go through. Everything feels very cohesive and nothing feels all that much out of place. Overall, really nice job. 

I really loved the sprite work throughout the entire game. The world felt really developed and it was really enjoyable to see. I liked the use of the particle system as a small bit of flavor. I thought it added to the overall theme well. I think my only suggestion would be to make sure the deer doesn't blend in too well with the background and to make sure the particles don't block the vision of the player too much. Overall, i think the game was really well done. 

I really like your overall concept. I also really like how the concept is shown heavily throughout not only the game but your trailer and this itch page. I think the levels are really well made and I love the glitch type effects on all the monsters. This slight touch goes a long way because it kept me immersed and enjoying everything that was going on. The puzzles were also a good idea. I think they added another fun feature of the game to interact with. I think with more levels and maybe even some larger ones this game could be taken to a whole new level. Overall, the game is great. 

I really like the overall feel of your game. Every level feels simple yet complex. Every level is appealing and engaging and even though I could know how to solve it I would still play it again. I think the teleporting was a really good addition. I think my only suggestion would be to try and change up the backgrounds because sometimes I think they take away from the game. Overall, I loved the game and idea as a whole. 

I really like that you strayed away from the typical type of shooter or violent game that has been seen in many ways. I like the many options that you have. It makes it easy for the game to be replayed and that is a feature a lot of games do not have. I think the only thing I would suggest is trying to make the puzzles fit into your game more. I think they are nice to have but they are kind of out of place right now. Overall great job. 

I really like the entire concept of the game. I think the sprite work is really well done. Everything from the beginning level to the minimap is really cohesive and visually appealing. The difficulty option at the beginning was also a really good idea to reach many more players than most games do. Overall, everything was just really well done. 

I really like the comfortable feel you were going for with this game. I appreciated you stepping outside the sort of action game and pulling out a cooking game. I really like the concept and the way it was implemented. I thought the level design was nice and I could tell you were really sticking the the them you were going for. Overall, I thought the game was really well done.

I think the levels are really well developed and really flushed out. I also love the color scheme and the way it makes me feel. I really like the music choice as well I think it adds to the game quite nicely. I love the look of the enemies too. Overall, great job!

I think everything about the game is really cool. I love the little intricacies like the moving lamp that creates a moving shadow or even the summoning circles that genuinely look like something is being summoned. I also think you dialog flows really well. Overall, the game feels very good and I can see the hard work put in.  

I love the theme of the game. I thought the color palette was really well chosen and the thought the game felt good to play too. I loved the overall feel of the game. The only suggestion I would make is just making the ui smaller because it does kind of block the screen a bit but other than that it was a really well done game. 

The world building is absolutely amazing. I can really appreciate the time and effort put in to make the worlds different and still fun to see. I really like the design of the boots to the wand to the checkpoints. I think they were all choices that went well with the theme. Besides the fact that the spikes looked a little out of place because of the overall design I thought everything else was wonderful.

I absolutely love the theme and the consistency throughout the entire game. It really enjoyable to look at and play. From the pumpkins to the smirk it was all great. My only issue would be I feel like the game needs maybe just a little bit more in terms of like enemies or that fire toilet paper mechanic you talked about in the presentation. Overall, though the game was fun.

I think the theme and the sprite work is really well done. The music was also a really nice touch. I think the game can be improved by fixing some interactions and maybe even adding more sound or interesting animations. Overall, I think the game was great.