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A member registered Dec 12, 2023 · View creator page →

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Adorable! Love the variety of fashion!

Super cute! My poor seafoam though! "Ew, this is not my colour" (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) 

Nailed the old dress-up flash game style perfectly; from the music to the clutter, from the art to the fashion.  I really love this! 

If you ever do games like this again it could help to add a wardrobe reset feature, so after one is done trashing the closet finding stuff, they can return left-over items to position. Or just a bigger closet space to sort the mess oneself! I digress—I like the mess. Its nostalgic to me.

Short and sweet with adorable OCs, and the music is such a bop too!  Wonderfully reminiscent of old dress-up flash games

Love being able to throw the style tools around, they make a good clonk sound. I also got my dye brush to spin around violently and was speed-changing the hair colour, it was fun! I love the art and the whimsical clothing options as well. Here's the two I made!

I've been feeling achingly nostalgic for the dress-up flash games that I played as a kid, and this game does well to soothe that! Super cute, short, and simple. I love it!

The art is phenomenal, the characterization is phenomenal, and the setting is phenomenal. Every character has such depth that makes them feel rather real; of course, they each have their theatrics and quirks that are fitting for fiction, but I digress, they're written well! I especially enjoy that the MC has their own business to focus on, pitting some interactions as annoying rather than endearing (to the MC, if one chooses). I eat up the hilarious dialog exchanges that ensue each time. Lastly, the worldbuilding is a bundle of mystery and intrigue that I'm genuinely invested in, and I find myself feeling easily immersed in the world. Actual last thing; again, the writing is delicious. Tension and suspense and character exchanges, they're all written so wonderfully. I cannot accurately describe how nice this game is. I look forward to the future, regardless of the wait!