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Soft Ground

A member registered Jan 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

When submited my game i had put the sounds on the title screen and when the player press the buttons, but it seems that when i build for web the sounds didn't work, but the PC version works correctly, maybe it's my version of Unity (for this project i used 2019) but i did a test with 2021 version and it seems to work.

Thank you very much for the tip, and for having give this  special attention to this detail!

I really appreciate it!

A good tip is to make the version avaible to run in browser,  so you reach a large number of players

(1 edit)

I'm glad you had fun, thank you so much for playing!

Great game!

I really liked the art!

Wow is a great score,

I'll add controls for the left hand, to make the game more confortable

thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback, is my first jam, 

I'll add controls for the left hand, to make the game more confortable