we were a bit late in releasing it but the zine is now accessible for free! thank you for your patience
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I really enjoyed this game! It can be so frustrating navigating the label aromantic, especially because of how dismissive allos are at the prospect, how ingrained love is into popular culture. I remember telling my mother at age 12 and her responding: "It's okay, you probably just a late bloomer!" Like the idea of never falling in love was so terrifying just thinking about the possibility needed consolation. 9 years later and counting, and it was never a phase.
Your game put into words feelings I have been feeling for a very long time. Thank you :)
This game was great! The characters were charming and memorable, and the game had a touching resolution. The solid color palette worked really well in distinguishing between what can and cannot be interacted with. For how small a space you were working with, the sprites turned out gorgeously.
Again, how the hell did you get this done in time for crit???