that's right. having drm helps your product not be exposed to the outside and protects the rights of the product buyer
Recent community posts
I have experienced the demo of this game and it is indeed a really impressive game. However, it is a bit difficult for me when encountering monsters with poisonous skills because it ignores defense, high continuous damage, sometimes difficult to match when in a difficult to reach position. I had a really hard time fighting the tree boss in C1 and even when facing poisonous mushrooms in the forest. But MC himself does not have any effective Poison or Bleed skills. Please give poison a countdown or nerf the direct damage it brings. Thanks
For Android users
I tried downloading it 2 times, and the last moment when you download it to your phone, just stay there (chrome download) and don't disconnect from the internet and wait.
P/s I just downloaded the game and hope you can also download it. If you follow along and still can't download it, I'm very sorry