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A member registered Jan 12, 2020

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I just want you to know that I have a new tabletop player that has been struggling to let themselves loose with the games we have tried. (Mostly one shots of various things to see what kinda stuff we like). This game was like a light bulb for him. Every session/game we'd played up until this point they were the player that you had to ask for contribution, I'd have to notice they'd been quiet for a while and poke them. Not with Ikigai, though. They started the game off with the same kind of timid nature I'd been expected but less than 20 minutes in he turned into the chatterbox of the table, excitedly telling other people he had an idea and trying to contest any chance he could because he had an idea for the story.  On top of that we made an extremely cute, feel-good story together! Which honestly just felt like a bonus at that point! Thanks so much for including this in the BLM bundle it really made our game-night!