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A member registered Jan 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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The basis of the game was very intriguing in my opinion, and I also like how the levels are gradually increasing in difficulty. The idea of portals is really cool too, great work!

I like the UI design of the game, it matches the theme of the game really well! The animation was very mature and the health bar is very helpful too. I think something that can be added in the future is the save progress functionality so that the player doesn't need to start from the beginning every time. But the game is already very complete in my opinion, great work!

I love the idea of the game! the seagull animation was really cute and the time system is really cool. I like how the UI changes according to the time too! I was not really expecting to get damage from hitting the cloud so I felt like that was not very intuitive. I also love the transitioning between different scenes. Overall great work done!

I really love the theme of the game! The idea that a sleep walking is really cool and I like how the animation of the character when it’s idle. Great work!

I like the UI of the game as well as the theme. the background music matches well with the game too. I also really like how you can zoom in, out, and rotate the camera, that really gave a lot more freedom for the player in the game. I think one thing that can add on in the future is to add an inventory page so that the key does not just stick onto the player to show you that the player got the key. Overall good job!

the game is very well developed and has a lot of improvements from the beta version! I really like the lighting effects in the game as well as the conversation system. The idle animation also made the entire game more realistic. I think some future revisions can be adding a health bar for the enemies as well to add a bit more difficulties to the game. Great job!

i really like the backgronud music of the game! The comparison between a puppy and the dark dungeon was a great idea. The models are really well made and the walking animation is well incorporated. Well done!

Love the theme of the game! The sprites and the levels are designed really well and very polished. The change between skills was a great idea. Nice work!

I really liked the Halloween theme and toilet paper as bullets. the sprites for the character were nicely done too! I think one thing to improve in the future is to make the achievement page more elaborated, such as adding some candies on there instead of plain text, so that it falls into the theme of the game. 

really nicely done sprites and animation! Especially the monster's sprite was very realistic and I also love the image on the starting screen, looks like production quality. Good job!!