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A member registered Dec 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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Great! :D

That's great! Glad to hear you liked it, means a lot to us!

Did you try submmiting your highscore to the leaderboard? XD

That's even better ahahaha

Omg this is so good to hear!!! Thanks for your feedback :D

Have you tried submitting your highscore?

Thanks! We worked very hard to keep the character movement and grappling as smooth as possible. It lacks a bit on polishing, but it was the best we could have delivered for this game jam hehehe

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Thaaanks, glad you liked it! It means a lot to us. 
@Hoff22 was responsible for most of the 3D Models, except for the character model xD

Thanks for your feedback and attention! It means a lot to us! :)

We did a 3D platformer too:!

Thanks for hosting this game jam Javid! It was awesome!


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Thanks!  Lots of hours in this project xD

Froggo The Frogman ahahaha
Glad you liked it!

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😗✌🏽 Thanks! ✌🏽😗

Thanks Omar! :D

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You can edit the viewport dimensions at your game options at your profile at EMBED options, below the UPLOADS options .

And thanks for the feedback! <3

nice mechanics