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A member registered Sep 26, 2020

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Oh, thank you, Random guy yeet. I guess i am a kinda lazy reader ha ha. Anyways... One Question still remains. Who is this guy?

The name of the image was "Hi-Res_Almost_Chicken.png"

To me it looks like a very tanky enemy type... Idk how about others but... if anybody can explain this then, Please do.

I would apriciate it :)

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Some time ago i was messing with the debug spells, i believe i pressed the button which normaly would summon ingot. However, instead of Ingot getting summoned, this strange Spider Creature would be summoned. It followed me around and didn't do any damage to me... I noticed that you could ride it like for example, a horse and actually control it. I decided to jump down to graveyard and summon it. If the spider creature bumped into a enemy the enemy would get damaged, however, the Spider Creature had a health bar, if it's health would go to 0 it would (of course) die. But once i was on it's back and it died i couldn't get off. I was checking some of the update logs, nothing was mentioned about em... (Unless i am just a bad reader ha ha).

Another thing i noticed in Juice Galaxy wiki, this strange scary creature. I did have a image of it saved: 

I don't really remember where in the wiki i found it, but i think it hasn't been added yet, and i dont know IF it will ever be added but anyways...

I don't really know if anybody can explain this to me but in case somebody can, please do. :)