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A member registered Jun 03, 2020

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im just wondering, will the character controller be updated? it feels... too fast and is too slippery, and the jump gives little to no control. the line rendering is cool but isn't it just a few polygons being rendered at a lower res? 

set slender_position to vector2(zero,zero)

set slender_spawn_position to radius of the player position

set slender_spawn_speed to page_count

if the global page_count is greater than zero

begin movement

function movement

spawn slender position within the random range of player position


the basic idea of the sudo code for how i'd do the movement system

the slenders ai system is just randomly setting the position of the object to a random position at least 30 units away from the main character and a wait with an if statement and a counter is used to teleport slender

if the raycasts generated from the player come in contact with the slenders detection boxes

then spawn the static and set a timer that continuously goes up 

as the timer goes up, increase static opacity and if it reaches it, then either change the room to playout the cutscene or play a video and then change room