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A member registered Mar 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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thx man, doubt that i'll win but at least ik its a good game

i've completely fixed the issue so you can control the character better now.

as for the updates im adding a grow mode so every time you take a step, you grow bigger. i hope i can get that working as well

the update is coming soon and im happy to be making a game like this

i try to make games differnt than other, most of the time is good guy vs bad guy but i want people in my games being the bad guy 

in v.3 im hopeing to get army working

i thought it would still count because your not really going every where in the worls, just 1 city. when you a giant, a city is 1  room


thx man, im trying to work on the controls for the game

im suprised myself that i made a game in just 3 days

ima check out your game

hey dude, sorry for the late reply

ik a lot of people, including myself were having trouble with this, im trying to update the movement but diffenrt scrpits didn't change the problom but rather made it worse, so when i play tested it the first way, i soon got use to this

in some areas the input change's

so some times down is up
while up is down

but im still trying, hopefully in update 2.0 the input will be less clunky

it did for me and its fun