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Anna ☼

A member registered Jan 23, 2018 · View creator page →

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I love this game so much! It's wonderful, has lots of choices and custimization. I've done two and a half playthroughs so far!

I LOVED this. It's wonderful, and I love both the characters, the fact that you can name them, and the art style. I'm greatly looking forward to more Paramedium content ♥.

I LOVE this VN. It's absolutely charming in everyway and I've completed every route. I honestly wish there were more Georgian Era VNs to be honestly. x

I absolutely adored the cast of characters, perhaps one of the few VNs i've played where I didn't inherently dislike one or more of the characters. The world feels nice, and I know I'm going to like hearing and seeing more about it. I cannot wait for the next chapter, I just know it will be amazing. 

Delightful game, I played it a while back and I'm just now getting around to reviewing, but I loved the game. Characters were great, theme was great, art was great. My heart ripped at Emilios bad ending, which was terrible great. 

I absolutely adored it. Beautiful game with characters that I loved immediately. I'm dying to play the full game!