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A member registered Feb 04, 2022

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Well, what I would like to say is that the graphics are quite pleasant. I also want to note all the movements of the character. They are quite smooth and pleasant to the eye. That's all of the pros, hahaha.

What, in my opinion, is subject to change is:

1. Music. It would be more fun to play it with driving music

2. Controls. It took me a while to realize that the jump would be stronger if the key was held. I think it's better to make a double jump, or notify the user about it somewhere. Also, in the most ideal case, it would be to jump to the [↑] key

3. Shooting. It is better to make the range of the weapon a little more, otherwise you simply will not have time to destroy the monster, as it causes damage to you

These are just small flaws that, having eliminated, the game will become much cooler. I wish the author perseverance to make the game great.