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A member registered Jan 20, 2024 · View creator page →

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The transfer of the game "Fluffy Adventure" to the IV quarter!

Walker-Adventure community · Created a new topic News

We switched to Ubuntu. But I want to go back to windows 10! But why? Roblox is running on Windows. And not only that! Unity works fine on Windows and Mac OS. Of course you can say, "So download GameMaker via the theremin and calm down!" But GameMaker doesn't work fine for 3D. Bottom line: Do you create games on Unity? Don't upgrade to Ubuntu! Wait for the update of the Walker-Walker and also the game "Fluffy Adventure"!

Shooter AIM community · Created a new topic Hello World!!

A year has already passed since I found out about ITCH.IO and I decided to try GAME MAKER!

Unfortunately, there will be no updates for the last 2-3 days : ( .Since my studio is being renovated. But you keep playing and passing the game "Walker-Walker". By the way, the code name "Walker-Walker 3" is "Wander and walk!". Yes, it's the same thing, but what?? Wait for updates of MY game and also wait for the game "Fluffy Adventures" from our studio! Working on the game "Fluffy Adventures": Programmer Kish-MIsh, game designer: Kish-Mish, Sprites: Magumen, Animation and assistant Kish-Mish: Magumen.

MAJOR UPDATE: The entire map has been redone and just a bunch of SPORTS LIGHT has been added!

Here I am! I decided to create a normal game! You think that this is another “Walk-Action 3”, but no! This is much cooler than the Walking Adventurer!

Новый пробный первый уровень!

Всем привет!

Игра в разработке! Ожидаёте!

Today 01/21/2024 I did: 

1. Deleted the unnecessary 

2. Added items (all :)

I will continue to finish the game! 

This is the very first version of the game "Walker-Adventure" Maybe I will even post the very first game "Walker-Adventure Beta"