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A member registered Jan 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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This is a really cute little game! I love the hand drawn art used, it's what drew me in to try it out! I will just say that the timing is SUPER tight, I've tried about 20 times now and cant get past the second level (Beethoven's Hug), and the window to hit a note is so small it makes it feel like getting "Ok/Good/Perfect" hugs are random. Even so, it was fun to try this out!

while i understand the confusion, is not solely focused on games? its a digital storefront that has categories for games, books, comics, soundtracks, and tools/programs/assets that can be used to make these things! ive gotten some pretty good books/comics on here, don't limit yourself to just games theres some good content on here.

im not sure what you mean? its a zine, thats basically all it is supposed to be? theres a download if you want to cut out a diy physical version but yeah, thats it! im sorry if you were told itd be something else!

1- Hi im Sam! Theres not much to say about me but if youd like to see who i am im on twitter @ evileidolons

2- nope! first jam ever here

3- lets go top five bc im bad at picking faves. Animal crossing, Botw, Undertale, Sotn, Sam and Max Hit the Road. All of them inspire me but Hit The Road is the big inspiration for my jam

4- Not very much no

5- Art! Art is ddfinately my big passion

6- Actually finish something