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A member registered Jun 10, 2020

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(1 edit)

I've also noticed some continuity issues. *SPOILERS* For instance, in the early-game, focusing on Emma's and Felicity's story, while ignoring Ashley's, later leads to the ability to c*m on Emma's chair in school, as if you'd never done so in her. In the late-game, Maria is there to help with Autumn's Capitol outfit, even if she's just been revealed to be a half-elf. Do let me know if you need some aid in development, pro bono. This game is well worth it.

Fantastic game.

If I could make a suggestion, I'd say lower the number of times a girl has to perform an activity in order to earn a Trait, from 10 to 5, or even 4 (to match the number of events in exhibitionism and submission activities). As it stands, earning traits like "Slick Hands" or "Submissive" can be a bit of a grind.

Sorry about the issues with your dad. I hope you get everything squared away smoothly.