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A member registered 37 days ago · View creator page →

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I LOVE THIS, the urge to crow is hilarious and even though the androids get lost in their pathfinding its so funny i dont even mind. i enjoyed this game a lot!

Huge fan of you Komrade!

thank you for enjoying the game!

Brilliant, thank you so much for the review, left click pulls the hose towards the cursor and fires out the water. I am happy that you enjoyed my confusing game.

thank you, i had noticed that also, i have some ideas on how to reduce lag i will implement.

thanks for enjoying the game, i have never had the rock vanish on me, ill see if i can replicate this.

Thank you, love the feedback

Thank you, this was a very fun read, i also think the jump mechanic could definitely use work. I've never had that bug before but it sounds hilarious, i will try to replicate it myself.

the second time i played it the yellow guy had a spastic attack, very funny

This game is fun and diabolical at the same time, i thouroughly enjoyed it

Awesome, its good to know someone else enjoyed my game as much as i do. You are a legend and thank you for enjoying my game, if you have any suggestions, i would be happy to hear em.

if you make it to the top of the mountain then you win, there's a whole thing up there

haha no you cannot grab the boulder lol, thanks for enjoying it

thank you for the feedback yeah, i just need to set a maximum velocity to fix that

thank you for taking the time to review my game! I think i know how to fix that, so ill try sorting that out for the future.