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Slick Nick Wilde

A member registered Nov 17, 2019

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Glad to hear this isn't cancelled. I've never designed a game myself but lord knows I've had creative block countless times when it came to writing stories/roleplaying with friends. >_<

Usually what I do to remedy that is watch movies to get ideas or inspiration. I'd like to help in someway if you're interested. If not for the reason of just lightening the load a little. 

Just finished the demo, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The PS1 boot up screen was quite the surprise. Curious to see how this game goes, hope it isn't another one of those games that never gets completed! 

Only thing I can suggest is possibly adding a map system of sorts and possibly something to break up the constant rain noise, while it was a nice touch, it would be great to hear an occasional rumble of thunder or something to prevent it from being repetitious. 

Played through the game myself the other day, it's nice to see a game like this with furry-type characters that isn't some visual-novel or "Yiff" game. After finishing the game I longed for more, interested to see where it goes if more does come in the near future!