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A member registered Mar 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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I've already finished the game, so nothing should hold me back now xD

Yes, as soon as I find a managable way, I'll do it.

As soon as I find a managable way, I'll do it.

Thanks! Glad you like it!

In 0.085, press "P" and select the girl you'd like to see.

"Game's folder" > "www" > Then copy the "save" folder into the same place in 0.085, then use the in-game BUGFIX to get rid of any compatibility issues.

I'll be honest, I have no idea what could've happened; for the time being a new save is the most viable option. Sorry for the inconvenience.

There's probably one around the f95 thread, but there's no official one.

Elaborate (?).

I'm not sure what is happening? May be a compability issue with old save files (?)

I'm not sure how to do them, pretty sure there is one in the F95 Zone thread.

Shift or Ctrl during text, I'm not completely sure but it was one of those two.

Pretty sure that's the one that the in-game bugfix is supposed to get rid of.

Thanks! Maybe I should add the option to skip all minigames xD

I'm not sure how to do them, pretty sure there is one in the F95 Zone thread.

Do the gadget quests and then use any either the chip or pendulum on her.

It's still too early to say that, maybe in some sidequest it'll be possible, but I'm still brainstorming it xD

Glad you like her tho!

"Game's folder" > "www" > Then copy the "save" folder into the same place in 0.085, then use the in-game BUGFIX to get rid of any compatibility issues.


Just use any mind control scenes when talking to the girls (sessions give you the most, so I recommend those for farming).

I think you had to press "X" to do so.

When did this happen?

Not really, I wish it was tho xD

It's just really buggy, after getting caught 10 times it gives the option to skip.

Just uploaded a hotfix for 0.085! Please download it to avoid bugs and issues.

(1 edit)

"Download Now" > "No, thanks take me to the downloads" > MindAndMagic 0.07 LINUX

Not really, I plan having one, but it'll be a bit until that happend :p

Just go to the download page and select the Linux one!

I'm not sure how to create one, pretty sure there are some unofficial ones in the F95 Zone thread.

Thanks! Glad the the bugs aren't that much of a drawback (I suck at programming). Hope you like all the future stuff!

You can jump through the gaps.

Thanks! It's almost a rule here to hate the blueprint anyways so it's all good xD

Try downloading any program for .rar files.

Thanks! It's a long term project, 5 years at least, so you can imagine how big it'll be xD

(1 edit)

Thanks! I don't think there's a way I can manually do that xD

Try following me in my media if you want to see all the content!

Yup, I'm already working in an update to fix the mapping and other gameplay mechanics (this for 2025 though). I am wll aware that most of the mentioned don't work well or at all, but I thought it was better to include them in the big update. 

I do plan having more "wholesome" events, completely optional for those who want them xD

In any case, I'm taking notes of what do fix and what to use to improve the game, it's thanks to the players' feedback that I've gotten so far.

Yes, that's why I am glad when people leave actual reviews of the game, and don't really worry about that, as long as it's written with respect, devs should take these comments to improve their work.

And no, I meant for the next Anniversary Update, I'm currently working on another big update (such as 0.05) in parallel to the normal updates.

Yes, I've been doing that for a while and there isn't a tutorial for EVERYTHING but enough stuff to make the game somewhat functional.

Thanks, the Beta for 0.08 should be done by next month!

Woah, thanks for the in-depth review! I really appreaciate these kind of reviews since it helps me a lot xD

Basically all of the coding/programming improvements are true, I'm currently working on a complete overhaul for the game's UI, mechanics, maps, and stuff for 2025. Most of these points are things that I wanna get fixed by then.

As for Vanessa (Alice's mom), for now she's just a ghost character, she's somewhat important so I thought it was better/coherent to have her mentioned in certain events in the story where's is important to do so, so I don't have to retcon her into previous events.

And I'll be trying to fix the bugs that you mentioned too, coding isn't really my forte so I'll see what I can do.

Anyways, thanks fro the feedback, helps me to get a better insight of what the players think of the current state of the game... apparently some of the changes I wanted to make are really necessary xD

Thanks, there are more coming!