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A member registered Jan 01, 2024

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u dont need to buy winzip to play it

The game is fun i like the concept of it but here some things i noticed after playing it. The game is kinda ez the first round is the hardest, after the first round you can put strategy into it which it looks like u kinda intended to do  , the ai is kinda dumb some times like there were only live shots left and he still shoot him self, i wish u could do something with the money like buy skins for the shotgun, table, dealer, ect... or if u add player hands. other thing i wish the game didnt close after winning like i wish the name i used kept going until i lost. also i dont like the getting revived in the bathroom i wish if u lost u just died and had to make a new name i feel like the more games u win with the same player the more money u get or something. overall for a 1$ game it is really good and i know it has really good potential cant wait to see what u do to it