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A member registered Jan 04, 2018

Recent community posts

Entertaining, Hope you continue!

Gut Punching, Amazing work

Amazing!! make more games!

Love the jumpscares

I enhjo
I enjoyed every bit of it!

I love the art style!

This game made me feel stupid but I still enjoyed it!

I had a lot of fun with the killer!

Absolutely incredible!  I am definitely playing the full game.  Great Work!

You have a great basis here.  The atmosphere is definitely the highlight of the game!  I hope you stay making games and keep improving!

I absolutely loved the game!  I have some quick feedback at the end of the video if you want!

I think this has a great foundation to be a great indie horror game!  Well done!

This game is actually amazing my guy I hope you're proud of yourself!  I definitely plan on making a part 2, keep up the great work!

I loved it!  Also I love the voice actress that did this character XD

(1 edit)


Absolutely loved this game!  Can't wait to see what the full game offers (;

I really enjoyed this demo!  I gave some tips and pointers throughout this video as I ran into a bug or 2.  But I love the foundation I can't wait to see what the dev does with this!

Hey creator I loved both your games!  Keep making them!

Absolutely loved the atmosphere you should make this into a full indie game!  

Please make this into a full game!  I loved it!  I hope all of you viewers enjoy as well!

Hey I just played this game and uploaded part one on my youtube channel and i gotta say that I love this game!!!! I fully support it! Fantastic job

Hey I just played your game on my youtube channel and I loved it!  I hope you continue with this game!  Sacred me a lot in this video!