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A member registered Oct 27, 2019

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nobody in these comments is older than 12

also if you struggle with slow download speeds use internet download manager, it has a free trial

(1 edit)

If you suck at video games  i have something for you! i made a easy mode of the game.


enemies dont shoot you

shooting while not holding direction keys (A or D) gives you speed hack+fast fire

how to install:

1. go into the directory of the game, go into karlson_data, go into the managed folder,

2. paste the "Assembly-CSharp peaceful mod.dll" into the managed folder, rename it into "Assembly-CSharp.dll" and make sure to delete the old assembly-csharp.dll. 

3. now launch the game and it should work. 

4. if you wanna play the normal version then paste the  "Assembly-CSharp original.dll" into the managed folder and rename it to "Assembly-CSharp.dll". again, make sure to delete the other assembly-csharp file

click here to download.

tip: if you cant manage to boost yourself up into the building in stage 8 you can go up to the wall, hold D and spam spacebar. you will slowly move up. this can be done on any wall btw

daddy dani please dont punish me for modding your game

add a level creator and a way to play the levels of others. this game seems perfect for a level editor.

you can also shoot enemy bullets to destroy them.

bruh the pont of the game jam was to rip mechanics from other games and put them into another perspective. superhot is 3d so he made a 3d superhot/my friend pedro (acutally my friend pedro is 2d too)

also, spamming left click and e at the same time gives you ultra super mega shooting on any weapon. its literally a laser.