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A member registered 97 days ago

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Well that was kind of depressing. It was beautiful, but like that hurt, I cried a lot, I'm crying as I type this. Reminded me of my childhood dog. For years I was upset because she left this world very suddenly, I hadn't known that passing away from old age could be painful or that one's body could just suddenly shut down, but I had to watch my parents take her to the vet and not come back. I was upset for years because I had wanted her to go peacefully in her sleep, not like that.

But, this game makes a good point. That day, I'd told her it was going to be okay, more for myself than for her, and I'd tried convincing myself that she was going to be okay and she would come home. I knew in my heart that she wasn't coming home that day. I was desperate for her to stay for just a bit longer, but... Well, she was twelve, which is pretty old for a golden, and she was going to leave this world eventually. It was sudden and painful, she was fine that morning and gone that evening, but it's better that way because she didn't have to slowly decline, the pain only lasted a few hours before it was over. And I don't think, when I was an angry sixteen year old, I'd understood that.

But I understand it now. I understand that it was her time, and that I shouldn't fixate on how she left this world, because I have many happy childhood memories, and she's at peace now.

All of this entire life story is to say -this game is beautiful, and I have to thank you for making it because it helped me process my grief a bit.

But I'm different, I swear! If I do a daily blood sacrifice to the feline overlord, I swear I'll live long enough for the cat to actually love me and I'll get to pet its belly

All joking aside, this is an amazing game. I didn't quite get the intended theme at first (I thought it was about OCD) but I do think this is a pretty good game regardless! You did capture the balance between fearing the cat and loving it pretty well -I dreaded the scary moments and did get tired of the torment after I ran out of choices to make, but also went back repeatedly and tried to figure out if there was some right combination of actions that would let you love the cat, and was disappointed that there was no redeeming the monster in the end -even after everything, I still would take the cat home. (I mean this as positive feedback, to be clear.) 10/10 very recommend

I know you aren't planning on making any sequels, but if you did ever have more ideas for this fucked up feline nightmare, I'd love to see it

(1 edit)

This game is the best, and it definitely has a lot of potential as an idle virtual pet game! I've got some suggestions and ideas for the next update, if you don't mind -I've read the comments so I'll try not to repeat things that have already been said.

* Ways of increasing the amount of money you get -it takes a while to make money for the extra expensive stuff and gets kind of grindy, which isn't much of an issue now because there aren't many items, but it could be annoying in the future if more items were added.

* More decorations/furniture items -There ain't much to do decoration wise, it's a great start and it could become one of the best parts of the game if there were more items as that's currently the only real goal the game has.

* More kinds of collars/accessories for adopted cats!

* More to do with windows -Cats should seek out sunbeams and sleep in them, and they should also look out windows. And windowsills that they can jump on

* Recurring rare cats -What if there were recurring NOT randomly generated rare cats that had unique sprites, that caused things to happen when they were present, and had unique conditions for their appearance?

* There definitely needs to be more to do with the outside yard. 90% of the items in the game are designed to be used indoors.

* Random events that affect cat behavior -for instance, all cats in the yard rush inside when it rains

And finally, this has been said before but more goals need to be in place. What that looks like is up to you but I do think this game has potential and you're off to a great start overall