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Skuttle Studios

A member registered Nov 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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Phenomenal game. It's nice, short and sweet (Pun intended) and I love the mechanic of constantly switching colors. And I'm an absolute sucker for a good stealth game.

it shouldn't be

Thanks a ton for the appreciation!

The flashlight repels monsteroids when the beam hits him.

Intriguing game... One bug We've noticed is your health doesn't reset upon attempting again. Other than that... pretty fun game

The monster can burrow towards you...

Oof sorry that it isn't clear... There are special blocks that trigger the monster moving faster

Thanks so much for doing a vid on this game!!

Thx a lot for doing a vid on the game! I wish you success on youtube in the future, although 100 subs is something I might consider successful myself!