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A member registered Nov 12, 2023

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You know to me Aiysha looks like she work for the police department as Captain of the police department and she look like she can be the captain of the police departments can you please and captain of the police department as one of the job description on the list of jobs and while you are at it can you please add  waiting to exhale What’s love got to do with and Acrimony to the movie list as well please can you add my options I just send you because you don’t have black people movie on the list of movies and you don’t have black peoples jobs on the job list either so can you add those options please 

when are you going to add more  to the Love Island story and Love In A Million story because I got passed the change clothes part but I get to the new Island part so when are you going to do Priya part of the story because that is the new Island but make so that she choose me for the first recoupling then that way I can b Choose her at the next one and then I can choose Noah at the next one after that and so forth and so forth

I love them my favorite is the Mc who is me she will bring the favor to the group but when can I tell the group I pick them for the  show is that after the show is over or do I still got to keep it a secret in the end too

Hey this is going to be the bomb I can just feel it loving it so far 

(1 edit)

I find a glitch when read it doing the party when you are getting to know Mia some of her lines are in a glitch box and the she put with the rest of her lines after that  and i also find two miss spelled words too

I got with Bianca with the both gender options but you need to make the vacation scene longer it is too short add more too it and then add a scene where you have a family with your spouse 

can you tell me I do I get with Bianca cause I keep helping her with her outfits and with her attitude but never end up with her 

can y’all release it on HTML but the people from season two with them in the game please not the version I am playing right now the version with actual people please 

the game is not playing through it keep stopping when I play it 

I love this game when will you release the whole thing of the second season and are you making more of them 

I just had to play with Hana but I love the game when will the whole game be released 

what is going on with season 2 is it finished cause it keeps pausing at the end of the game where Bianca says she going to go change clothes