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A member registered 34 days ago

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No worries team! For the tutorial, I'd say have some arrows pointing and a brief explanation of that specific action. These hints can be toggled on or off depending if it obscures the player and they want to speed up (again, accessibility wise there are some who will already know what to do). All up to you guys though! 馃

Really cool and cute game! Gives me memories of the Nintendogs game I used to have on my DS, but now for cats!

Improvement feedback: I would love to see a better tutorial or a "how to play" screen to help players understand the game and ease into it better. I was able to learn quickly but for complete newcomers it might be a slight struggle.

Bugs I experienced: When the game is in windowed mode, it will sometimes randomly enter full screen again when you return to it after pausing and using another application. Game doesn't also save the resolution settings when saving and exiting the game.

But so far, I am very impressed! Very enjoyable and relaxing! Nice selection of cats, mini game is fun and I love the customisability room decoration options. Well done team! Excited to see more!