Updated the mod's description, I don't know about having a dead marine replacer be part of the base code as some mapsets replace dead fellas with other stuff, BUT it's a good idea for another optional thing. I'll certainly keep it in mind!
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I included an alternate laser sprite for this very purpose, it's a little fiddly to get working and still covers the screen with a color, but translucent red is at least less eye-searing than white.
You'll want to open the PK3 with Slade, open the Players file in Actors. Hit ctrl + f, type XBEM B in the first box and XBEM A in the second and hit replace all. Then head down to "laserbeamparticle2" and replace those two specific XBEM As with XBEM B. Doing it this way will be a lot quicker than manually replacing all 37 frames of the offending effect lol.
The way I see it, doom modding is all about the freedom to tailor the gaming experience to one's own liking, and thinking about which doom mod characters would get along with each other can be a great expression of that freedom!
On the topic of doom mod characters, if you haven't played LossForWords' mods yet I strongly recommend them. He's got some fantastic characters goin on, as well as some fantastic weapon mechanics, and if you're keen on the ol DBPs I know at least 3 of his weaponsets fit certain DBP themes to a T. https://lossforwords-atmo69.itch.io/
I like to think they exist in the same shared universe as other doom mod characters. Pvt Stone's custom level has guest appearances from Magwell and Eraserguy, there's a painting of Typhon on the wall as well as an ad for Dick Danger and DRLA water. The Artificer from Combined_Arms even shows up too, if you're quick enough to find him.
As for who would win in a fight, I'd say whoever the player is controlling lol
Well there's plenty of mods out there with male protags, buuuuuuuut if you wanted to perhaps play Echidna as a big hunky robot dude with dubious morals (which thinking about it sounds even better than the original lol)
I'd suggest grabbing SLADE3, opening the thing up, finding all the player sounds and replacing em with like, SFV Akuma sounds (you can get em on the Sounds Resource) and then replacing the mugshot with one of your choosing (couple custom frames in there, shouldn't be too hard to rename extras of your own)
In Pvt Stone's case I'd suggest the same tactic, but if that all is too much effort for you just deleting the mugshots and player sounds will do the job.
Are you using Nugget Doom? There's a setting you'll need to change for that to happen, I think it's in the Weapons menu section.
Unfortunately with the way Doom's gibbing code works, you won't see a lot of the higher tier monster gibs without Nugget Doom's force gib feature (or by setting the bfg ball damage to around 10,000)
It's a real shame Doom's SSG, zerk fist and chainsaw don't gib by default though, few things are as frustrating as slapping an imp while berserked and watching him limply fall over instead of exploding into a pile of ex-imp lol
Well mostly because I enjoy working with dehacked, but also cuz I want my work to be playable on more than one port, sticking with decorate kinda trapped my work on gzdoom and I ain't about that lol
Decohack is looking very promising though, works on many systems/ports and allows for a ton of extra functionality.
Oh I should totally add an f1 screen, good call! I added one to Echidna but never thought to do the same here for some reason.
I'm not sure how many other mods the kickable props work with as most of the functionality is in Stone's kick itself (which is why it works with any monster pack) BUT I know for sure the props add-on works with Echidna at least.