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A member registered Jun 16, 2022 · View creator page →

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Great game, I wish it were longer!!

Doing the same thing with the lights flaring from the right side of the screen. Maybe it only does it on nvidia GPUs? I want to put this game on my channel but not with this issue. Dang

I have an i9, 3080 and plenty of ram. I just re downloaded my GPU driver, about to try to play it again. Ill be back

everytime I go to play the game I get a bunch of color Flaring lines coming from the right side of my screen. I have checked for updates on my GPU but its all updated, and it only happens with this game. I uninstalled the game, re downloaded it and installed again and the same thing happens. I want to make a video of my playthrough. Hopefully I can figure out the problem. Also can you add FOV changer to the settings please!

scared the shit out of me when the thing popped up from outside. Legit got me!! Looked great too

looked great, and was confused the entire time!

really well done! 

Very cool game, I love the atmosphere!!

Very good start! I think you should have the officer carry a dim flashlight maybe. I cant wait for the full game!!

Pretty fun game, looks great too!

Really liked this one, such and eerie atmosphere. Great game!!

Hey Stefano, the link for the download isnt working. Is it possible you can add a new link. I really want to play this for my channel. Loves your stuff! Keep at it!!

awesome atmosphere! Great game

Pretty good, I like these assessments tests

Awesome game! Thanks for making it

Damn, I ended up shitting the bed!! How many different endings are there? Funny game

I wish this was a bit longer. Awesome atmosphere!!

creepy game, cant wait for the full game

Cant wait for the other chapters, Thanks!!

This is what I have so far, game crashed after I opened the door :( But it was prior to a few of the new patches!! Video is taking a long time to upload, youtube is acting up right now

I do have the flashlight, just difficult to see in the 2 cars with people in them. I didnt even notice a bedside table lol. Ill give it another go here in a bit. Thank

I am enjoying the game so far. I got to the point where im missing 1 arm and a head, I cant find them and keep looping the 2 cars where its extremely dark and guts all over the floor. Do I have to keep searching for the 2 parts? Its so hard to see


I like chasing the sinners down who steal from my VHS shop!!

fun game, had a few scares!

Loved it! Very errie and creepy!

i liked this one a lot, cant wait for full game

Looks great and was creepy!

very creepy! Thanks for the game

I love it, cant wait for full game!

super cool, I cant wait for the full game!

Any idea when an update will be out for it? I want to get a gameplay video for it

flashlight stays eye level, moves left and right a bit but not up and down. Makes it very hard to see in darker spots...looking for ammo!

this detective needs a flash light

(2 edits)

yes, so its a fixed aspect ratio. Thats fine. So with the new update, after I slice the guy open and reach for the power box lever I get no action to grab. I had to walk around the body for 2 minutes trying to populate the hand to grab. Same thing is happening after I grab the screwdriver to open the vent. That took 5 minutes of finesse to get the top bolt off. I hope you fix them.

looks and sounds great, not a lot of direction and when I hit esc for pause it wouldnt let me get back to the game. No settings menu for screen size too! 

Very good so far! Cant wait for more

Creepy!! Or whatever words that best describes the depths of dark and creep, those are the words that will best defy what I felt lmao

 Excellent job