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A member registered Feb 13, 2018

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*facepalm* does the size of the laptop even affects the gaem?

Dave just noticed most of ur games is 64 bit so yknow hehe

Okay rly dave We should chat for some reason on facebook I eed ur help about making games idk if u want

Ur gams ar really graet thx fo the 32 bit it workz!!

(Make a sequel Jwk (i like kidding yknow))

Cant believe i said that to someone i dont even F***ing know....

Thx bro... I just start downloading it hoping.. Yknow

(BTW give credit for me like thanks to ___ so u guys have 32 bit version nyehehehe JWK PLS NO KILL ME IM JUST KIDDING!!!) *hides in the corner with a knife* Dont kill me....

This thing can be payable in 32 bit? I like the game but i cant play it plz help :(

(BTW  Really Eugene Lookathose money!!)