This one is awesome, from its presentation to its concept. No compaints, 10/10 game jam game.
Sizzle Burn
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This is a cute little one! I dig the low bit aesthetic and it's generally just a fun platformer. The weapons that knock back enemies feel odd, because apparently they can kill enemies but they seem to have a harder time against the bigger ones so it rarely feels effective as you're mostly just moving them around, with them getting stuck very occasionally. Overall, pretty fun game!
This is a really unique concept for a game out of the bunch, I dig it! The mechanics feel decently thought out and the variety you have with spawning animals and spending your health for gain is really fun! I only wish the latter waves didn't just spam the fireball enemies, but other than that, this one kicks ass!
I dig this game majorly! It's a simple little puzzle game with a concept I find personally intriguing, so I'm happy to say I love this little game! I only wish that maybe the lives could increase with the harder the levels got, or maybe they elements went to earth a bit slower? Either way, pretty fun!
The artstyle combination of 2d and 3d looks great, same with the cutscenes! I wish the enemies didn't exactly jump with you, that way jumping actually changes the way the game is played rather than everyone being on the same plane. The effects look great, and this makes me wish there was more game like this.