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A member registered Mar 14, 2020

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(2 edits)

Stand Name

Natures The World

Stand Master

Eamonn Reyes


A tall muscular humanoid stand. Natures The World is a similar stand to Dio's The World.  Similar not only in appearance but in Stats. Natures The World allows the user to Slow Time, Extend Time, and use a Time Eraser Punch. The stand also allows the user to fly.  Slow Time, slows time and everything in it but does not stop time itself. Extend Time, extends time by slowing time only but not anything that is not time. Time Eraser Punch is a punch that erases the target from time for 3 seconds but returns to there previous state before the eraser punch when the 3 seconds pass. What ever happened to the spot they were at happens to them when the target catches up with the time missed. Example: If a stand unleashes a barrage of punches in the spot you were at  before the eraser punch, when catching up you will get hit by the punches because the T.E.P catch up effect makes you present again in the time you missed. Stand Cry: Suro (translate to slow, for any type of attack).


Power A

Speed A

Range C

Durability A

Precision B

Potential A

(1 edit)

Stand Name

Sit Still!

Stand Master

Eamonn Reyes


A Muscular Humanoid Stand. Based off the User's very energetic personality Sit Still! has the ability to control any type of energy that he collects to do whatever the desires if it is possible. Sit Still! can shoot projectiles, defend, and create things with the energy he collects. Stand Cry: Hai (translates to yes.) Individual Cry: Enerugi (translates to energy.)


Power: A

Speed: A

Precision: A


