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A member registered Mar 03, 2017

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Great characters (models and writing), intriguing story, but the ending feels very... cockblocky. I mean, I just got done assembling a 7 girl harem, about to step into a new life exploring and indulging in all the good heart-(and obviously cock-) warming feels and intricacies of that... what, 21-way relationship? At least? And then all I get is essentially a title card reading 'And they lived happily ever after.'

That end sequence was charming and all, but it was seriously like I got all my uberhot sweethearts onto the plane, and just as I was gearing up for a whole new chapter of exceptional emotional and sexual goodness, the damn thing took off without me! So many important conversations not had, tender moments unshared... So many buttplugs not unpacked!

I feel abandoned on the tarmac...