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A member registered Sep 22, 2022

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Correct, I do not use wicked whims. I've not had any problems since re-installing it that last time when I first commented. So, fingers crossed!

(1 edit)

Hey there,

Yes, I downloaded them on Itch.  I'm pretty sure this is what's happening...I'll download the files and install them.  I'm almost positive that they have matching dates at that time. They work fine for a while and then I get the fatal error notice out of the blue.  When I go to the files to delete them, the dates no longer match.  Thats the weird thing.  I'll keep an eye on them and let you know exactly what happens, if it should go south again.  So far so good. ~Simply  

To clarify- YOUR files match showing update as being 07-30-22. Once installed I no longer see your date, but I see the date modified which is when I install it. I'm pretty sure those are the dates that no longer match after I get the fatal error. I have no idea what could possibly be causing that but I thought it might mean something to you.?  As I said though, I am checking everything so I will know what to tell you if it happens again. 

Hey Husk, I'm having the same issue they are.  I've been dealing with it for a time now.  It will be running normally and then all of a sudden you get a message telling you there is a Fatal Error and that you are using an old version mixed with the newer version. That is not the case, however, because nothing was changed from what was downloaded.  I hope that helped explain in some way.  ~Simply