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A member registered Apr 07, 2020

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It looks like the intensity setting affects the export as well. This does present some interesting options, though, so maybe I can play around with that but it's a huge difference between updates... and more time consuming to tweak each light source to visual perfection.

(1 edit)

Haven't gotten around to trying everything yet, all this new stuff looks cool. I especially love that you made it easier for roll20 folks to use. I was fine with a 64 grid but now it's even easier.

I digress, the new lighting reminds me more of light explosions. It seems like the only options are barely visible, super glow, and you're looking at the sun. I think this can best be seen by looking at the screen captures below for version 15 vs. 16... you can see how the light in version 15 is much more subtle and has an opportunity to interplay with other elements. In 16, it literally just looks like slightly tinted solid color blocking everything around it. And oddly, in some cases (not shown below) adding a wall next to a light source somehow makes it dimmer rather than just creating a shadow.

Version 15:

Version 16:

Again, I love your work... and I know you don't have total control over everything... but let's chat about this because this could keep me in update 15 for a while.

Cooooool, thank you!

Ah, too bad. Win some, lose some, I suppose. The winning in this case outweighs the loss I think.

Love it! Thanks! Does this new lighting system still include the accidentally quite beautiful halos if you put transparent light close enough to light with color?

I've encountered this a few times in the past and it seems to happen when I leave the save as dialog open for a few seconds and tab to another application. I wasn't interacting at all with the save as dialog and during this latest instance I was typing in an IM application called trillian while the following errors came up. Hope this helps!

Program timeout (infinite loop?)
Called from local function #3703 (hxd/System.hl.hx line 388)
Called from hl.$UI.chooseFile (C:\projects\haxetools\haxe\std/hl/UI.hx line 209)
Called from hl.$UI.saveFile (C:\projects\haxetools\haxe\std/hl/UI.hx line 172)
Called from hxd.$File.saveAs (hxd/File.hx line 217)
Called from Client.~onSaveAs.0 (Client.hx line 1178)
Called from dn.Delayer.update (dn/Delayer.hx line 106)
Called from dn.$Process._update (dn/Process.hx line 257)
Called from dn.$Process._update (dn/Process.hx line 269)
Called from dn.$Process.updateAll (dn/Process.hx line 223)
Called from Boot.update (Boot.hx line 72)
Called from hxd.App.mainLoop (hxd/App.hx line 187)
Called from hxd.$System.mainLoop (hxd/System.hl.hx line 70)
Called from hxd.$System.runMainLoop (hxd/System.hl.hx line 135)
Called from hxd.$System.runMainLoop (hxd/System.hl.hx line 132)
Called from haxe.$Timer.~delay.0 (C:\projects\haxetools\haxe\std/haxe/Timer.hx line 143)
Called from haxe.$Timer.~__constructor__.0 (C:\projects\haxetools\haxe\std/haxe/Timer.hx line 76)
Called from haxe.$MainLoop.tick (C:\projects\haxetools\haxe\std/haxe/MainLoop.hx line 174)
Called from haxe.$EntryPoint.processEvents (C:\projects\haxetools\haxe\std/haxe/EntryPoint.hx line 99)
Called from haxe.$ (C:\projects\haxetools\haxe\std/haxe/EntryPoint.hx line 125)


Simply put... I'd love it if I could have 3 grass options like water. It would be cool if there was some kind of transition between the types of grasses as well rather than a sharp change right on the grid line but I don't think the current version of the software has this capability at all. (As the waters also have no transition if you put 2 different types side by side).

And again, thank you for your work on this.

First, I'd like to say a big thank you for making this. Once I got the hang of this app many months ago I haven't been able to stop using it to make maps for my games. Even when modules provide maps, I sometimes prefer to make my own versions so as to avoid weird grids (1 square = 10 ft is bananas in roll20).

Now on to the main question/request I have: when exporting maps that use any lighting, there is always a series of visual artifacts creating a noticeable "phantom grid". The reason I say it's phantom is because the lines are blurry and don't align to the grid lines created by the software. In most cases, it's also more noticeable than the grid lines themselves. Below is just a recent example (cropped for size) from many maps I have created. This isn't stopping me from using it... just wondering if this is in the works to remove and... to some extent if there is anything else I can do to help.