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A member registered Jun 21, 2016

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Yes I really did play the game. Considering outside the stage ranking there was no previous example of the score having an effect I started ignoring the out of the way Net Points after the third death as Randy's sluggish movement made it tedious to
keep recollecting them.
Though I did discover I could collect them with fireballs which I'm not sure that was intended.

The the infected terra-qubiters are easy enough in to kill I was just struggling with the hopping blocks, as I found the camera often seemed to catch on various element and zoomed to so far that it was very difficult to aim combined with the short attack range.

A clear objective will really help in the next build as now I know what the requiresments are that should be easy to do, even a /3500 next to the score should suffice .
I would personally use something other than invisible barriers as initally it look like a glitch or a bug, perhaps shading them slightly and having an example of them in the next builds tutorial?

I want to say on a postive note that the music direction and sprite work in the game is excellent and is are favourite aspects of the game. I really want to see the other genres the game covers in the future even if I wasn't a fan of the Super Mario Land Style 3d section.

(1 edit)

I'm not sure if something in 1-4 is broken or not but at the moment its a frustrating slog to playthrough. 
That first section when the time appears there is no indication how your are meant to proceed, I presume you have to kill all the enemies to lower the invisible barriers that stop you from leaving that area, however the tiny hit box of the first weapon and sluggish movement combined with constantly having to rotate the camera makes hitting the hopping block enemies unfairly difficult.
Also theres no way to regain health so if you accidently touch one while struggling to get the punch to connect then you have to just listen to the constant beeping until you die which makes it even more frustrating.

I pretty much had to stop playing after the 6-7 death because it was just iritating me that much.