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A member registered Jun 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

No, I’ve played through the first tape about 10 times and when it closes, nothing changes about the main menu Additionally, Chronos only had hair in one of the cutscenes… lol

Hey, love your games! I can’t progress past the very first tape. After talking to Chronos, the cutscene fades to black and exits me from the game back to the menu where you can inspect/play tapes. From watching a bit of someone else’s playthrough, it appears I’m supposed to transport back to the living room with Lucy and be able to choose which location to go from there, but the game always closes before I get there.

hmm, i’m not seeing anything but a pink screen on the cell with a battery low symbol in the upper right corner. i can hear the music but the screen doesn’t change

lmaoo this is great <3 definitely going to have the trans rights earworm for a solid week at least

wow i really liked this game :D I'll definitely buy the sequel when it's out. i <3 indie devs