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A member registered Aug 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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everytime one of the characters said "who's candace?" i had to violently hold myself back from yelling out the joke

im replaying the game to try out chap 10 bcuz omg this IF is so good?! but it's a BIT funny whenever i forget u can quite literally be prejudice toward supernaturals. like, why is "No, I don't make deals with your kind" AN OPTION?

(fyi, this is a JOKE, i rlly adore this IF and these lines of dialogue honestly make me shocked and giggle cuz the AUDACITY? lmao)

just finished chapter 4...THE PAIN WAS UNBEARABLE! the scene with Morgana and Junia had me with my jaw open. like, MORGANA HOW COULD YOUU?? *sob* the betrayal I felt was unreal... such a good chapter but lord, my eyes are overflowing

ohh okay!!! thanks so much :D! your game is so good btw, can't wait to see more

hellooo. didn't know where to talk about this, but on Steam, the sprites are a bit funny, lol. both scenes where qiu and tamarack appear, it looks like this. Also only the sprites of qiu tamarack and i think some of baxters' do the same thing. maybe its my laptop, but if it is a bug I just wanted you to know :D

need more of jackson in my life /hj

this was MIND BLOWING-!! the layout, the writing, just EVERYTHING was sooo extraordinarily cool!!

chap3 was so cool! top tier galahad character development!