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A member registered Aug 23, 2022

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alright, thanks for letting me know, have fun coding the next chapters (how many are there gonna be actually?)


by the way her titties seem a little.. small for a cowgirl

you have any plans regarding that?

what if.. just.. what if.. even bigger >:)

just.. how big-

immobile? house-sized??

just out of curiosity, is violet gonna get bigger than the image in the cover of the game?

is there gonna be an update consistency? if so, how often

alright, everything is ok, but for one thing

the images (including the backgrounds) appear blurry at first, but recover after a second or two

gonna give it a shot!

hmm.. what if you made a browser version of this?

huh. strange. so you can't upload from renpy itself?

no problem bro, if anything i'll try v0.3 when it comes out and let you know if anything's changed

thanks for the help bro :)

nope, still crashes after around 7-8 seconds

one moment imma try it. if im not wrong it should be the pc-linux file.

dang, that's the thing. my pc kinda.. died. it isn't too difficult to test on joiplay if you have an android phone. if you have the time you could probably look into it. if it helps, i tested it on the v0.1 file too, but that crashed the same way.

basically, joiplay is an app that emulates renpy games on mobile. it should be using the files normally, no problem, but it crashes after loading

yo, when i try booting it up with joiplay, it crashes. any reason why?

how do you get the easter egg?

I legit can't beat it

Even going top size won't work


Are there gonna be more updates to this game?

You could use JoiPlay. It has cheats for any RPGM game like this one

This game is really fun tbh. Are there gonna be more sizes in the future?

Hell if I know. Probably.

There's more.

When I broke the game the menu and stuff didn't work, it judt said "Loading..." (it crashed lmao) Idk maybe you'll have a different outcome

Max Milk Cap is 4000. Shimmer does get really huge lmao

Hey, quick question, how do I delete my save?