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A member registered Jul 24, 2022

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(1 edit)

I finally read this, and I liked it!!! The art is gorgeous and the music made it so atmospheric. I do kinda wish we had more time to hang out and fall in love with Emy before the major things started happening, it felt like everything happened super fast! There were also a couple typos and grammatical errors but nothing that really bothered me :D

I'm so excited to play this! I loved She Was A Dream, I was so happy when I got the notification for this new one!! Will be back to update when I've played it through :D

I remember playing this somewhere around last year, and loving it!! Hope you enjoy the tip, I'll now go ahead and replay it <3

Short but really good and impactful! I really enjoy all your vns <3

Very much looking forward to it! I'll definitely make sure to check here every once in a while, good things are worth waiting for <3

Amazing! The ending left me sooo excited for the full game, do you have an estimated time for it to come out?