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A member registered May 25, 2020

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Played the first winter falling sometime ago and loved the concept. I do programming myself and made a game similar but with Zombies etc.

I constantly come back to itch and yesterday saw this come up and got extremely excited because I played the other one admittedly for an hour everyday here and there. The step forward with this is not only the right choice imo, it has more than enough potential to be a much larger game in which I would pay for if I had to (love strategy type games). I beat and win everytime.

My only comment on this prototype is that is freezes at one point after cheats are used and you go back to play the other levels again, but is very minor, otherwise everything runs smoothly and as it should(Ive played it multiple times today and still not bored)

Keep this going and on full blast, its god damn amazing.