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A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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I love this game concept! The Inside Out inspiration is evident and I love how each level is a different mission that reflects what it feels like to be feeling that emotion! Also considering the color and music used for each level, this game is very immersive!

I really love the perspective of this game! The zoomed-out camera with the ability to look full around the level AND the fact that it is one continuous level makes it feel like I'm playing a board game that came to life. I can see that a lot of thought was put into the game with how the passcode randomizes and how well the enemy AI react.

I like the cartoony look and the way more enemies spawn as time progress. 

If you were to add on I think more levels would always be nice, special enemy types or even a boss wave, and definitely more upgrades.

The fantasy vibe is perfect for a game about a Deer taking a nice stroll in the woods. This is a game I would play to relax/calm myself. I like that a jump animation was added, although it could be refined a bit. Adding special power-ups/boosts could make the game more fun.

I love story-driven games like these where your choices matter a lot and I wonder how many endings this game has. The artwork is great and having mini-games included helps keep the game fresh. If you want the game to feel more immersive I recommend having a few animations here and there.

The fact that almost if not all artwork in this game is original is impressive! Everything is visually appealing and I can see how refined this game is. The switch in gameplay from flying around and avoiding obstacles to walking and delivering packages keeps the game feeling fresh! The only thing that sticks out to me is the difficulty selection screen. The strong white backdrop for each button feels out of place. I think a very translucent black backdrop would fit better and allow players to see your beautiful splash screen!

The sprite work is well-done and the different upgrades you can get are a cool feature! The wall jump animations are clean as well and I like that you visually see a change in the character when you grab a new upgrade. If you want to further polish the game I recommend fleshing out the environment with more sprites in the background. You have a few of that with the dead allies, but a few more touches here and there would really set the atmosphere!

The opening scene for the trailer is really cool! This is a game I would find and play on a site like Newgrounds. I like the cartoonish sprites and the glitch animation on the enemies is amazing. The Spider-Man-inspired mini-games are a nice addition as well! The only off-putting thing for me is how the player sometimes shoots backwards.

I really love the character sprite! The subtle lens flare on the idle animation is a small, but very cute detail that makes the character feel alive. The UI at the top left could be bigger and a SFX or visual on the character to show that we ran out of ammo would be nice as well. The artwork for the level design are very unique as well, but the level with the stars in the background hurts my eyes when moving through it.

The overall feel of this game is amazing. The cyberpunk aesthetic/color palette is beautiful. The player feedback on the various actions we can do in the game is also pretty good as well with the different animation and sound cues. The HUD at the top left does get in the way of the view a bit, but clearly seeing how much ammo we have for the fireballs is great. If you did make the HUD a bit smaller, a way to still retain player feedback on ammo is to have a SFX or visual on the character that plays when we run out. 

(1 edit)

The inspiration for the game is unique and the character and enemy sprites definitely match it as well. The BGM is really good as well, but I personally wish that it continued throughout each level instead of resetting. The only time I get to the best part of it is when I purposely idle. On the last level it becomes hard to see where to jump to next.  Also the skybox shows at the edges of the levels, so expanding the backdrop might fix that.

I love the overall aesthetic of the game! From the BGM to the sprites and SFX, I believe you all nailed the magical fantasy vibe. I especially like how there's story telling through the different levels as well! The second and last level in particular are my favorites because the gameplay is very unique. The floating portal gun, however sort of throws off the fantasy theme since it's from a sci-fi game so having a different sprite and colors for the portals would be better I think. I got stuck in Level 1 because I didn't notice I could climb the vines. Maybe adding some SFX for climbing would help alleviate that.