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A member registered Jan 06, 2024

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for a hint there’s a darker green shade on the bottom of the lamp on the desk that has an order of shapes you’re supposed to click on and that order of shapes matches the container. 

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ooooh ty for the tip! I’ll be sure to try that!

Edit: I tried it a few times and I finally got past it and past the full prologue! Thanks so much for the tip, I appreciate it!

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slight spoiler and I don’t know how to make things go behind a spoiler wall;

has anyone figured out the button mashing strat to get past Vasilis yet? I’ve tried alternating fingers or button mashing tools but keep dying to them.

I don’t know of this might help you, but I’ll leave a comment here in case it helps you.  What helped me in the Twyla section was realizing you don’t have to go in order of the arrow keys presented on screen you can just tap in any order. Hope this helps, if not that’s okay! 

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Ok nvm I figured it out