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A member registered Jun 12, 2023

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(1 edit)

Crescendo sounds like a spanish thing.. Creciendo i think it was.. i will try the Game and later edit and say my opinion MUAJAJA

Edit : Oh god..its so good! I will be waiting for the update.. i think it's cancelled but don't be negative! Just.. wait. And being possitive! Bye!!

I finished the Game like 5 weeks ago and i remembered i can make a comment! The most beatifully (the most 2 beatifullys scenes are: WAIT, SPOILER IF YOU DON'T PLAYED THE GAME .. SKIP THIS COMMENT!) 

1.- When Toast jump off the window for chips.

2.- when kobu gets hit because they where like.. deleting? Any rest of demons in the apartament BAHHAHA

I don't wanna be Bad.. i just love the Game SO much and i hope you are happy now 馃挐 i Will be waiting that day.. waiting Iroko.. and maybe thinking he used the Drug on us and we forgot about her.. i hope You are living the best of your life and i wanna make you know you are something.. a good heart human. You have the support of so much persons! And the persons and me .. we love you, goodbye and thanks for creating a amazing game.. goodbye. 鉂わ笍