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A member registered Mar 09, 2022

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Interesting game, love how it insults you at every turn. A bug flew onto my computer and because the game was so was so realistic I thought it was part of it. So Props? It's stupid, silly, and a fun waste of time. Play it.

Got best end on the first try! Its an enjoyable game, kinda a different yandere situation, which is refreshing. Obviously no spoilers, but the MC and Alberts actions are different from the normal yandere trope. One thing I'd say is that the dev should maybe go over the game grammar wise one more time, but the graphics we good! Overallthe sames fun, weird, and silly. i actually want to discover the other ending!

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I have to say I've never understood sex work as an asexual, respected it and think it should be respected/protected definitely, but this game showed a different side to it. I think friends in the past glorified it especially since they were young, underage and dumb. Almost like sally but in a digital way. Obviously as the creator stated we still respect sex work, the game is just showing her experience. The game is amazingly made, love the graphics and the story is heartbreaking. I hope this was a way to help heal her trauma and hope she's doing better!

OH this is from a series! Yeah I didn't know that so that makes a difference. Yeah I've never heard of this series, so its def out of context! If that's what the original character (kakure) is like and your just putting that character into a game then I can't fault you for it. Also the VA killed it in that department now that I know bratty was what he was going for (I'm happy that I actually wasn't shading his VA, I don't like putting people down.) Honestly I never thought you'd actually respond to my comment lol. But yeah totally understand not wanting to do stuff to other peoples characters, and now that you told me that its from an actual anime I defiantly can look at it from a different perspective! So thanks for that and just taking the time to respond! I enjoyed myself regardless of the negatives and look forward to your future stuff!  

Weird, but cute game. Kinda satisfied my crush of Stan lol. A basic dating sim with a Gravity Falls twist! It's cute! Only thing I'd say is that if you go check on the car instead of talking to ford you later get a reference to helping ford with a "pest problem" something that has never been mentioned before if you go  to just check on you car. That's just a small detail I saw.   

I have never loved 2 voice actors move these dudes are so awesome! Only knew Shaun for like 1 min and I already love him. Jack is also super charming! Game's awesome visually as well!

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Considering this game was made in 15 days it's pretty impressive. It has a cute art style and I like that you can pick your pronouns. The dev is honestly pretty talented overall. The weird thing is one of 2 yanderes pursuing you is your step sibling, which is kinda....weird? I guess. Like sure it's a yandere game, but siblings kinda takes it to a different level.  Also I mean this in the kindest way but kakures' dub is super whiney, the way he talks just angered me. Idk if that's what the VA was going for (if it was they nailed it) but it just made him super unlikeable. I also wish we had more time to make choices, but again this game was made in 15 days. It's a good game overall and even though I may have had some negative feelings it has a beautiful design, a clear flow, and an interesting concept.  

Wow this game is so cool and has great visuals! It's really different from other games I've played. Idk how many ending there are though.

Its short and plain, but while the visuals are kinda disengaging the concept is pretty cool! Like if it was develop further and had more engaging or creepy visuals this could be a awesome game. Basically the person who created it is pretty creative but doesn't have the full skills of a dev yet. No shade tho everyone has to start somewhere!

I honestly want to play the game but I'm having the hardest time downloading it!!! Tried to use the instructions and even download 7zip, but I've still had nothing but problems. 

Ok it's a cool concept but I think it's bugged? Also the yes or no control thing is kinda janky. Maybe do a Y or N thing or something? Visuals were cool though! 

Such a weird and amazing game! Awesome visuals and interesting storyline, and the endings were so cool!! Honestly now I just have to play all your games now.  

The only adorable game where you can date a magical skeleton lol. Has good music and the drawings are really pretty too. It's also pretty gay from start to finish and I love the players gay panic.