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A member registered Jul 27, 2021

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(1 edit)

Thank you so much Carib! supported through patreon as well! Much love! No worries about the lacking parts of previous versions, we'll be able to experience just how much everyone have gone through since the start and how much you've improve too, not to mention how much effort you've put in since the start. Big thanks again!

Hi Carib, I have a question, is it possible to download the older version of the games? I would like to try and play every version from 0.1 so i could experience how everyone at the time felt with every cliffhanger from each version while being eager waiting for upcoming version like how i felt on the end of 0.5, I started on 0.5 so i've missed out the previous experience. Ive managed to find 0.1 and 0.2 on patreon but not for 0.3 and 0.4, i think it was either removed, updated or maybe i missed the option to download for pc, let me know if its possible.  While playing on 0.5, I've experience the epic cliffhanger at the end of it, but I never knew which part is the cliffhanger of each previous version's ending, i don't recall there was any cut off part in the story stating which part is the end of which version so I could'nt tell, I would imagine if that's the case, to enjoy the full experience like how the earliest Eternum players started off from 0.1, i think playing every version will be the best to relive that feeling. Awesome masterpiece of a game, much love from Malaysia, will support through patreon soon.