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A member registered Feb 15, 2021

Recent community posts

Hope is the last thing that dies, and I still believe that this game will have an update in the future because the premise and idea of this game is very promising and I've never seen a "tamagotchi" nsfw like this one xdddd

Estou ansioso para a próxima update :3

I can't install on Android :/


update novo!!

Mofu, no futuro haverá mais tipos de cogumelos pra equipar? (É que eu gosto de penis estranhos e diferentes :p) seu game é incrível uwu

Your game will be amazing! :3

it's all right!

I just saw the FAQ and saw that the game will be paid ;w;

Mofu i loved your game i look forward to the game release <3 and I'm happy to know that it's in Portuguese uwu

I loved your game <3

I understand, anyway, thanks for the reply. I know a group that maybe can do a translation for the game but I'm too shy to take the initiative k good luck with your games

Predation community · Created a new topic Translation?

Is it possible to have the language in other languages??? an example portuguese (brazil) would be nice if the game had a translation

I'm still hopeful waiting for an update ^^

I loved your game ^^ but I could have it for mobile too, it would be cool

I had an idea, I don't know if it is bad or good, but I will say it anyway, in the future when the game launches she could have an aging stage and could become a milf. (An atualization)