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A member registered Nov 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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This was fun!!! I loved the cgs and the new backgrounds, and am I going crazy or did you add some more choice options in some parts of the prologue? I like it! 

It was so fun getting to know more of the characters in chapter 1 and 2, and meeting the new ones too!

I love the dynamic difference between routes and even how the characters change their behavior around you throughout the chapters. (Like Elior's and Thiel's, super cool!)

[Tiny character spoilers]

I really like how you can feel the depth of the characters and they're not flat, like Thiel is not just The Cocky man™, Jayla is not The Brute woman™ and etc. Jayla is the one who impressed me the most! I was honestly scared of her, I thought she was going to be mean, but turns out she just needed to get used to us and I really love her now 😭😭😭😭. (ALSO THAT VISION THING WITH YOHAN----WTH WAS THAT)

Anyway! This got long, sorry, the chapters were really good and I'll gladly wait for more for how long it takes! Congrats again on releasing!! <3

It worked! I just bought it! Thank you!!

Hey Rusicaria, hum, do you think its possible to add the possibility to pay with credit card directly on My paypal is not working with me T-T It's okay if you can't tho! I need to force my paypal to work anyway lol

Hi! Of course you can use my review!! I would be honored! Im really happy my review could impact you in a nice way <3

Really cute. (:!

Mean misterious troubled characters are always my favorite!! He already has a chokehold on me

<3!!! Im honoured to support you however I can! Tthank you for the heads up, too!

Hi, Im so sorry for the rude person here.  :( I just wanted to acknowledge how much I already like this game and how Im still excited about it!! The misteries are deliciously unanswered and ALSO I love Trigger so so much already T0T

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I will buy as soon as I can! Congrats on releasing, Rusicaria!! That is so awesome!!!


YAY!!! Very excited!!

Hi! So, The Wayhaven Chronicles is available on Steam, on mobile and on the Hosted Games site if I remember correctly, but you can look on the instagram of the author, @seraphinitegames, they have a linktree with all platforms! (Just a warning that the games are paid, but I believe that they are not expensive in $, I paid with my country´s coin so I dont really know the price in other places) 

I hope I managed to help you!

Hahahah Im scared to do that route too, in theory i think I would love it because its N and A, but I really dont want the ansgt and having to choose one, so I dont think I will ever play it

Hey, you're welcome!! In case you have interest in the new book of the Wayhaven Chronicles, I do say that it's looking pretty good, so I definitely recomend!!

Yay!!!! Bastard of Camelot, The Wayhaven Chronicles and The King's Hound all updating in 7 days??? Am I in heaven?? Thank you! <3 Take care please!

YAAAAAY!!! You just made my whole week!! I love this IF so much <3333

It looks awesome!

Really good, its short, but it passes the message. :)

Okay so, i have been with this game in my mind for WEEKS. REALLY GOOOD i really want to know what happened and what will happen! everybody already talked about it but i cant afford not to: THE CHARACTER CUSTOMIZATION IS SO GOOD as a trans person with a vice on sweets I really got happy when i saw the options, same with the sensorial things, that is so cool??? i never saw that in games!! What we have so far is really good and im really looking foward to seeing more!

Hey!! Glad to see you!! Im happy for you for putting something that was harming you behing you, thats really important and meaninful and Im sure you're aware. I know this will sound weird for a lot of reasons, but Im proud of you! Really are :)! Its so good you are finally able to do what you like! I don't know how long I can stay(I have a meeting like, one hour and a half after it) but I will certainly be there!! 

Good job, stay safe and keep fighting! Hope you have a nice day! (Although i think its like 3 am there but anyways) Cant wait for the live!

okay, i didnt play yet, but this is the first game where im attracted to literally all RO´s, so congrats for that  ////

Oh that's so nice! I also see aspects of my own friends in them, so its like the game is a puzzle, with yours, mine, and everybody's friends, all connected, being loved without even knowing  :)

Thank you for letting me meet a piece of them. <3

I hope you guys know you created a beautiful thing. :) <3

(1 edit)

[Maybe minor minor minor spoilers?}

....jesus, i dont even know what to say. I just finished the game, and man....masterpiece. The fact that i never had this phase, of IM, tumblr and long time roleplaying friends, and yet i feel so close to it, speaks a lot. I felt every single thing like i was in the character's skin, every up and down, every panic, every moment i played solitaire waiting for someone to message me, i felt i was genuinely T. I feel deeply connected to each character, as if they were my own friends(which hurts a bit, considering, well, everything). The story feels so real, so nicely written, the topics were handled so well, the art was so beautiful, and that ending....i cried a little bit. Thank you so much for this game. Every waiting moment for it to release was worth it. Thank you. Truly.  

hi! i made a fanart of one of my ocs from vivacity and i tagged you on instagram, but i believe you didnt saw it, my @ is heyshir0xx

just thought to say something in case you wanna see it! :)

Yay yay yay!!!!!!! Im so happy! Congratulations guys!! 

Yay!! Its so nice seeing games you like grow, im rooting for you and all your current and future projects!

It worked! Thank you so much! The only thing i was doing wrong were the test options, Russia asked to study with me before, not america. My god, im so happy i finally got to finish this. Thank you again, you´re very kind for helping me :)

Yeah, im definitely doing something wrong, but i dont know what it is. i even got the scene on the country cafe now, but he still rejects me. :[ its okay tho, you dont need to go out of your way, thanks for helping me :)

It looks awesome! I love the way you color :)

Looking forward to! I already love your game :)

Hey! Good to hear from you, Dev! :) 

Im very happy to hear you are still working on the game, but please also take your time! :) Dont overwork yourself, its okay to take breaks, and take care! <3

Hi! Really unfortunate that the game was discontinued, but im happy it existed at all. Thank you guys for giving us what you could. <3 I dont want to be rude or annoying, so im kinda embarassed to ask that, but do you think i could get a summary of how Ren´s route would go? I saw you answer to other people in the comments and figured you would by email or dm, but its completely okay if you cant or are tired. Be safe, and i hope your future projects go well. <3

Definitely looking foward to it! Your game made me smile so much while i was playing, I apreciate you guys hard work. it brings truly joy. <3

Hello! Purchased the beta a couple hours ago. Hope my 5 dollars can help you guys in any way. Good luck! <3 :)

America keeps rejecting me, does his route needs specific events or am i dumb?


So, I finished playing and BOY. I LOVED THE ENDING. 

Beng truthful, i followed Jack and the ending was exactly what i wanted, i thought it wouldn´t happen, but it did, and im so happy

Thank you so much for the game and congratulations, your game made my little trans heart warm. Exactly how you put it, finding something good in the worst. 


(Spoiler alert)

So, I really loved the game, but i believe there´s a bug at Fireworks Night, when Jack asks Toby if he wants to see something cooler than the fireworks, the options don´t work, i click and nothing happens.

Just wanted to let you know! Im really excited to see the rest of the story. :)

Adorei!! É incrível como você conseguiu dar tanta profundidade em apenas dois capítulos. E como nunca sei muito bem o que escrever nos comentários, vou responder as perguntas que você deixou :)

Isso vai parecer meio obvio, mas meu personagem favorito é o Mathias. Eu empatizo muito com ele, por lidar com os mesmos problemas de insegurança, consigo mesmo e até com os irmãos.

Só segui uma rota, a romântica ^^'

Adoro a estética de  preto e branco, dá um ar mais fictício, clássico, e eu acho que combina muito com o tema do jogo :)

Definitivamente adoro os CGS coloridos, mas também entendo que pode ser um pé no saco fazê-los por experiência própria, então eu não ficaria triste se você resolvesse começar a fazê-los em preto e branco :)

Alias, sempre fico muito feliz de descobrir sem querer obras de brasileiros, me enche de orgulho! <3