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A member registered 88 days ago

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(2 edits)

Calandiel, they discontinued SotE, and it makes it hard to do anything with the game. It takes about 1-3 minutes for it to generate a planet with my high performance computer.

It is not bad, sorry for my words (the game is good), I just meant that the planet generation system is bad. I still respect the game and I don't hate it. I just wish they could keep working on the game.

I also couldn't understand how the game works, as there is a lot of half completed things that won't get updated since they unfortunately discontinued it

(1 edit)

I guess this is 18 plus. I see big Tits and

SotE has bad planet simulation and it barely works if you have normal computer. I've found it only works on my high performance pc

i seriously agree with this. We need a plate tectonics simulator and a proper equirectangular map projection.

Can someone help this guy please? He really needs help and most players are having the same issue.