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Chin Zucchini

A member registered Apr 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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best game ever, inspired me to sing that one song from that one game that exists in your reality (I totally didn't just say the name of the song btw *wink* *wink*).

thank you, good morning.

good day yayaya

ok bye. m fancy words here btw rlly real

I cried cuz the game wasn't long enough... honestly wish this could be real, Melissa's really nice!

what the hell

your name makes me stressed


omg that's the best name ever-

how lovely...

you need a keyboard for this game

this game is so amazing, thank you

I managed to make it to the closet, but it wont let me get into it, basically, I'm making it to the closet and clicking on it or pressing enter but nothing happens

I was playing it and I keep dying at that point where u gotta go into the closet at the beggining, it wont let me get into the closet, I keep dying cuz of this and honestly it's rlly annoying, I think it might be cuz I didn't download it and I'm playing it on the website but I really hope that this problem gets fixed and please tell me how to click it if I'm clicking it wrong or what key to press cuz I tried using the mouse to click it and also cicking enter, both didn't work